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Course Name: How to Clear Depression Using Traditional Chinese Medicine
Subtitle: Moving into Clarity, Purpose, Confidence, Creativity and Intuition
Instructor: Taught by Anxiety & Stress Release Expert
Category: Health & Fitness
Subcategory: Mental Health
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $94.99 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of March 15, 2019…
Students: 250 students enrolled
Ratings: 19 reviews
Rank: ranked #901 in Udemy Health & Fitness Courses
Brief course description
Are you struggling with mild to moderate depression?
Looking for better options for treatment?
Interested in natural health and healing?
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
Michael Hetherington bio
Michael Hetherington (BHlthSci) is an author, yoga & meditation instructor, EFT expert and teacher of traditional Chinese medicine. His best selling books include, You Can Ask The Universe Anything, The Art of Self Muscle Testing and EFT Through the Chakras. He is originally from Brisbane, Australia and can now be found bouncing between workshops and events in Australia, Thailand, Bali and Germany.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: N/A
Lectures: 23 lectures lessons
Duration: 4 hours of video
What you get: Feel clearer, more energised and living a life with more purpose
Target audience: This course is suited to mild to moderate depression sufferers
Requirements: None
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons