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Course Name: The Ultimate Data Science & Machine Learning Python in 2019
Subtitle: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, WebScraping, Data Science, cleaning data, Machine Learning, Pyspark, statistics
Instructor: Taught by Software engineer
Category: Business
Subcategory: Data & Analytics
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $19.99 (before discount)
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Review info & popularity
As of March 15, 2019…
Students: 6228 students enrolled
Ratings: 301 reviews
Rank: ranked #640 in Udemy Business Courses
Brief course description
Welcome to Complete Ultimate course guide on Data Science and Machine learning with Python.
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Ankit Mistry bio
I am Ankit Mistry, completed my master from IIT Kharagpur in area of machine learning, Artificial intelligence.Now working as Software Developer, Big Data Engineer in one of leading private investment bank with 8+ years of experience in software industry. Over the time I developed interest related to data discipline and learned about data analysis, machine learning model development.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: N/A
Lectures: 151 lectures lessons
Duration: 15.5 hours of video
What you get: Learn one of the most in demand skill of 21st century Data Science
Target audience: Anyone who is interested in DataScience
Requirements: Basic of Python programming
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons