This is the best Udemy Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations coupon code discount for 2025.
So if you’re interested in Chris Croft’s “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations” course, which will help you increase your Business skills, get your discount on this Udemy online course up above while it’s still available. (The coupon code will be instantly applied.)
Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations review for 2025
In our review of this course, we try to help you answer all of your most important questions about Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that you can determine whether this online education training is worth your time and money.
Feel free to jump to whatever question you want answered the most.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Why use PSMCP as an abbreviation of the course name?
During our Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations course review, you might sometimes see us refer to it as PSMCP for the following 2 reasons:
- We created the acronym by taking the first letter of every word (which was very ingenious and innovative, we know)
- We’re lazy and PSMCP is simpler and easier for reviewing purposes
The full course name is 51 characters long, including blanks, while PSMCP is 5 characters long.
You do the math.
Okay, we’ll do the math. We’re saving 46 characters every time we use PSMCP.
So, just a heads up that we’ll be using this abbreviation sometimes, so you’re not left scratching your head and wondering what the heck we’re talking about whenever we refer to PSMCP throughout the remainder of this review.
Is the Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations course for you?
To determine whether Chris Croft’s Udemy course is a good fit for you or not, ask yourself the following questions down below.
The more you answer “yes” to each question, the more likely it is that you’ll like this course.
Can you understand what Chris Croft’s course is about in 30 seconds or less?
Hopefully, you can easily grasp in 10 seconds or less what this online course is about simply by taking a look at the title that Chris Croft chose for the course, “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations”, as well as its subtitle: “Deliver exceptional presentations and become a confident public speaker”.
This combo of title and subtitle should be enough to communicate the purpose of the training if Chris Croft is a good, clear communicator (which, of course, you want in a teacher).
In our opinion, if you still don’t know what PSMCP is about after looking at these two things, then this is a red flag, and you might be better off not taking this class.
Among other things, it means Chris Croft hasn’t clearly and accurately conveyed what the course is about and might not be the best teacher for you.
For similar reasons, it’s important that you’re able to clearly understand what Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations is all about from the first few lines of the course description.
So take just a few seconds to read the opening lines down below and see what you think of them.
Opening lines of Chris Croft’s official description of PSMCP
Master Confident Presentation Skills & Public Speaking
Become a confident public speaker – overcome nerves and deliver exceptional presentations
Presentation skills are essential at every stage of your career. Giving presentations is often a pivotal moment in your career and yet it’s one of the most common fears. If you want to be someone who is calm and confident standing up in front of your peers (or a large crowd!), this presentation skills course is perfect for you.
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
Does PSMCP pass the 30 Seconds Test?
You can read a lot more about Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations on the official course page on Udemy, but the point is this: are the title, subtitle, and just the first few lines of the description enough to help you understand what the course is about?
If so, Chris Croft has done a good job and can be considered more trustworthy and a good communicator, which are important qualities for any teacher.
And, if not, maybe you’re better off looking at other Business classes that are more clearly defined and more tailored to your specific interests.
Did Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations appeal to you in 30 seconds or less?
Now that you’ve done the 30 Second Test with PSMCP above, what is your gut reaction to this Business course with only the basic information of its title, subtitle, and the first few opening lines of its official course summary?
Did Chris Croft do a good job conveying its subject matter, and did it immediately get your attention and appeal to you?
If so, Chris Croft’s online course is certainly worth considering some more.
But if not, perhaps it’s in your best interest to consider some other Business courses instead, because clear communication and being able to hook and maintain your interest are two very important qualities for your online learning success.
Does Chris Croft sound like a course instructor you’d like to learn from?
You’ve already learned how to use The 30 Second Test to make a quick evaluation of whether the PSMCP course is worth taking.
We have a similar 15 Second Bio Test where you read only the first few lines of an instructor’s background — in this case, Chris Croft’s background — and then you make a quick, snap judgment as to whether you think the instructor would be ideal for you.
There is no right or wrong answer. It’s just about going with your gut instinct. What might appeal to one potential student might alienate another, and vice versa.
(FYI, all Udemy instructors, including Chris Croft, have a Udemy profile on their course page, so you can easily check for a bio and background on the Udemy website that way. We’re only including the first few lines of the bio down below for The 15 Second Bio Test).
Opening lines from Chris Croft’s Udemy bio
Chris Croft is one of the UK’s leading trainers and provides a wide variety of courses designed to involve, inspire and motivate people of all levels. To date Chris has trained some 87,000 people and enjoys a 94% rate of repeat business. Chris is also a successful author, with his first book ‘Time Management’ published in 1996 to wide acclaim and has since been followed by fourteen others. His tip of the month email goes out regularly to over 10,000 people. Chris is passionate about practical and fun education with courses that are memorable, entertaining and immediately actionable.
What did you think about Chris Croft after reading just the first few lines of the bio above?
After reading just the first few lines about Chris Croft, did it make you more or less interested in taking the PSMCP course?
And did it make you feel like Chris Croft was more or less credible and qualified to teach Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations?
Finally, overall, did you feel like you’d receive the proper training from the instructor of this Business course?
As always, we encourage you to listen to your gut instinct, which is different for every student.
Are the PSMCP lessons clear, specific, and organized well?
Part of the (good) problem with Udemy’s online courses, such as the Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations course, is that the instructors are constantly updating them, including adding and renaming lessons.
So it makes no sense whatsoever for us to list out all the modules and lessons in the PSMCP course here, because you can just as easily go to the Udemy course page and get all the up to date course structure as of right now.
We do, however, have some tips about reviewing Chris Croft’s course structure, so that you can get a better sense of whether this program is worth your time or not.
In a nutshell, you want to scan the the titles of the different sections and lessons of the course, and verify that they are clearly relevant to the course’s name, Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations, as well as the course’s subtitle, Deliver exceptional presentations and become a confident public speaker.
If the section names and lessons are clear, specific, and relevant, then it’s a good sign that PSMCP is potentially a good, useful course for you, and you can have more confidence in Chris Croft’s teaching abilities and lesson planning.
On the other hand, if the module names are confusing, vague, or irrelevant, then this is a red flag, which might indicate that the program is worth skipping.
Have you taken some free lessons from Chris Croft that you enjoyed?
Have you already learned something from Chris Croft that you valued or enjoyed?
For example, does the Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations training have some free lessons that you can try? (Almost all Udemy instructors will give you at least one or two lessons for free to help you make a better, more informed decision before enrolling in their course.)
But if you weren’t able to get any PSMCP lessons for free, have you perhaps watched a YouTube video by Chris Croft, or perhaps come across this instructor’s thoughts on Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, Github, Reddit, or some other platform?
Or have you perhaps even taken one of Chris Croft’s free courses or free webinars? (Many online teachers offer these freebies, which is a great way to get to know them and evaluate their teaching methods before buying one of their courses.)
In any case, the more familiar you are with Chris Croft’s teaching methods, and the more you enjoy them, the more likely it is that Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations will be a good fit for you.
(P.S.: We strongly encourage you to seek out some free instruction from Chris Croft before purchasing this course, since it’s one of the best ways to determine whether PSMCP will be helpful for you.)
Are “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations” reviews generally positive?
On the bottom of the PSMCP page, you can read student reviews of the class.
Prior to February 12, 2025, there were 9,265 students enrolled, 3,198 reviews / ratings, and it was overall rated 4.5 out of 5.
Obviously, the more highly other students rate PSMCP the better, but no matter what, keep an open mind when reading the reviews, since you might still like a course a great deal that other students dislike.
After all, everyone’s got their own opinion.
We recommend that you spend only a couple minutes scanning the PSMCP reviews to get an overall sense of them. You don’t have to read each one!
Is Chris Croft responsive to student questions in the PSMCP training?
You can see what other students have to say about this in their PSMCP reviews.
But, our simple all time favorite way of gauging an instructor’s responsiveness is to simply email the instructor and see if or how they respond.
In this case, Udemy has a messaging system for students / anyone who has an account, and you can send Chris Croft a message through this system quite easily, even if you haven’t bought PSMCP yet.
For example, you could say, “Hi, and I came across PSMCP while looking at Business courses on Udemy. If I enroll in your training, would you mind if I asked you any questions along the way?”
If you use this approach, the response (or lack of response) from the professor will tell you everything.
Obviously, the quicker the response the better!
Are you comfortable going through the lessons in Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations on your own, online?
This is a big one, because Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations is an online course as opposed to a course that you physically take in a classroom.
Of course, you will need a good internet connection to have access to the course material and lessons, but beyond that, you also have to be comfortable being self motivated to some degree, being on your own, and not having any physical interaction with any of the other students taking Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations.
Yes, you will be able to interact with the students and the teacher, Chris Croft, online, but it’s a different kind of experience than what you’d get if you were interacting with them in person.
This is not a big deal to most people, but it might be something for you to consider if you feel like you do better taking classes in person rather than learning online.
Do the pros / benefits of PSMCP make it worth your time?
Ideally, if you’ve gone through the evaluation steps above, you have a list of positive things about the Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations training that looks something like this:
- The purpose of PSMCP can be clearly grasped and understood, and its lesson structure is clear, specific, and well organized
- Chris Croft is well qualified to teach this subject matter, has good teaching abilities, and is responsive to student questions
- Other PSMCP students have great things to say about the program
Other benefits include:
- You get to go through PSMCP at your own pace
- You join a community of 9,265 other students taking the course
- You get lifetime access to the training
- All updates to the training are free
- You have a 30 day money back guarantee
Even if there are some things that you don’t like about the program, so what?
The question is simply this: do you think that PSMCP would be worth your time, even if there are some things that could be better about it?
Can you comfortably afford PSMCP?
Can you comfortably afford the cost of Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations?
This is an important question to answer, because even if you think PSMCP sounds like the greatest online class in the world, it’s still not worth taking if you can’t comfortably afford it!
Before February 12, 2025, the price was $13.99 before any Udemy discount, and you were able to pay with a credit card.
Keep in mind that this is a Udemy online course, and there’s a great chance that you can get a solid discount on PSMCP with Udemy coupons / promo codes, especially with the strategies we provide for helping you find the best, most popular coupons available.
We’ll cover that in greater detail in the next section, because at the end of the day, its important that you can learn whatever you want to learn without getting into a lot of credit card debt.
How can you maximize your discount on Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations?
By far, the easiest way to get the best and biggest discount on this course is to use the Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations discount code link at the top of this page.
It will instantly give you the best coupon code we could find for Chris Croft’s online training.
We don’t believe there’s a bigger discount than the one we provided, but if for some reason you’d like to try find one, you can use the methods below to hunt for the best PSMCP course coupons and promo codes you can find.
FYI, the methods below will help you not just with getting PSMCP for a better price, but also with any other Chris Croft Udemy course that you’d like to get for cheaper.
How can Google help you get a PSMCP discount?
To use this method, do a Google search for the PSMCP training, but in your search query, be sure to add words like coupon code, promo code, deal, sale, discount, and Udemy.
For example, you might do a search for “Udemy Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations promo code” or “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations udemy coupon codes” and see what turns up.
Similarly, you can use the same combination of search terms with Chris Croft’s name and see what happens.
For example, you might do a Google search for “Chris Croft Udemy coupons” or “Chris Croft course coupon codes” and see if that helps you.
However, in general, it’s far more powerful to do a search for deals and coupon codes with the actual training’s name, than with the instructor’s name.
So in this case, for example, prioritize searches for “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations coupons” rather than “Chris Croft coupons”.
How can a Udemy sale get you PSMCP for cheaper?
Every once in while, Udemy will do a sitewide sale where they offer all (or almost all) their courses at a discounted price. For example, one of the best sales is where every course is only $10 or $9.99.
So, if you’re interested in saving as much money as possible, you could wait and see if you can get PSMCP for this cheaper Udemy sale price one day.
The problem is that these sales only occur sporadically, so you might be waiting for a while. Also, if Chris Croft decides not to participate in the site wide sale, then you won’t get a discount on PSMCP, even though you could get a great discount on almost any other class at Udemy!
To understand this, think of there as being two different coupon categories for the PSMCP course. Category one is an official Udemy coupon (which instructors can opt out of), while category two is a coupon offered directly by the instructor.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what kind of a coupon tag you’re dealing with (for example, “officially from Udemy” or “officially from the instructor”), as long as long as as you’re dealing with active coupons that get you a better price.
How can you get a PSMCP discount from Chris Croft?
If you’re really serious about getting “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations” for the cheapest price possible, then perhaps one of the most powerful things you can do is get a coupon code straight from Chris Croft, instead of waiting for a Udemy sale.
To do this, you can use either the direct approach or an indirect approach to try to get your discount.
With the direct approach, the big idea is to simply get Chris Croft’s contact info in some way or another (whether it’s email, or Twitter, or whatever else).
Then you send a message saying something like “I’m interested in enrolling in Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations. Do you happen to currently have an active coupon code for it that I could use?” (And then, hopefully, you’ll get a reply with your discount code.)
On the other hand, with the indirect approach, you join Chris Croft’s mailing list, if you can find it, and then you hope that at some time PSMCP will be promoted to you at a discount.
By far, the more powerful approach is the direct approach, because it tends to get results faster. But you can experiment with the indirect approach and see if it works for you.
Can you get PSMCP for free?
Of course, the best possible price for the PSMCP training is free! As in, you pay no money whatsoever.
And guess what? Sometimes Udemy instructors provide coupon codes that enable students to take their courses for free. So, perhaps it’s possible that Chris Croft has done this.
Basically, if you’re trying to get this program for free, you will want to search for the course’s name along with other words like free coupon, or 100 off coupon.
For example, you might do a google search for “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations free coupon” or “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations 100 off coupon” and see what happens.
But keep this in mind: often, Udemy teachers will offer a free coupon for their course when it first opens to get some publicity and reviews. And then, after a few days, they’ll make the coupon expired.
So even Chris Croft has offered free coupons for PSMCP in the past, the odds are likely they will all be currently expired. This is a common pattern that we have found.
What about a PSMCP free download?
It’s important to understand that there’s a difference between getting full access to the PSMCP training for free legally with a free coupon code vs. finding a way to download PSMCP illegally.
If you really want to go the download route, you can do a google search for something like “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations download”.
And if that doesn’t get you the results you want, you can add the word “free” to your search.
For example, perhaps you could do a google search for “Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations free download”.
However, even if you get some results from these searches, we do not recommend that you take this course of action.
First of all, there are some shady sites out there that could be trying to infect your computer.
Second, Chris Croft created this course and deserves monetary compensation for it.
And third, if you go the free download route, you’ll be missing out on a lot of value, because you won’t be able to ask the instructor questions or interact with the other 9,265 students enrolled in the program.
Can you get a refund on Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations if you don’t like it?
Let’s say that you used our tips above, and you were able to buy the PSMCP training at a fantastic discounted price. So at this point, you’re super excited.
Then, you actually dive into Chris Croft’s course, and you discover that it just isn’t for you for whatever reason.
And now you’re super bummed, because you feel like it wasn’t money well spent.
Well, guess what?
Udemy offers a rock solid 30 day money back guarantee on all their courses, so you can get a refund on PSMCP no matter what. And this means there is absolutely no risk.
Indeed, even if you left a super negative, critical review on the PSMCP training, and then asked for your money back, you’d get a refund. For better or worse, there’s nothing Chris Croft could do about it, since it is simply Udemy policy.
To sum it up: yes, you can get a full refund, so at the end of the day, don’t worry about the possibility of purchasing PSMCP and not liking it, since you can always get your money back.
What is OCP’s overall rating of Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations?
During this PSMCP review, you’ve learned about some of the unusual ways we like to evaluate courses, such as with The 30 Second Test and The 15 Second Bio Test.
So our overall review process is perhaps a little unusual and different from other reviews out there. Keep this in mind when you consider the overall rating / score that we have given this course.
Anyway, after taking a look at the PSMCP training, the instructor, Chris Croft, and reading what other students have said about this program, we give it an overall rating of 4.7 out of 5.
Ultimately, though, what matters most is what you would rate it based on the same criteria.
What are some potential alternatives to Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations?
If you like this course, you might also be interested in:
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TLDR: Just the quick facts about PSMCP
Okay, if all of this was Too Long Didn’t Read for you, here is the Cliff’s Notes version of what PSMCP’s online training is all about:
PSMCP coupon & course info
Course Name: Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations
Subtitle: Deliver exceptional presentations and become a confident public speaker
Instructor: Taught by Chris Croft
Category: Business
Subcategory: Communications
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $13.99 (before discount)
Free coupon code: Get Udemy coupon code discount at top of page (no charge for coupon, especially since we are compensated for referrals via affiliate marketing)
PSMCP review info & popularity
Prior to February 12, 2025…
Students: 9,265 students enrolled
Ratings: 3,198 reviews
Rank: ranked #2650 in Udemy Business Courses
Rankings tip: rankings change all the time, so even if Presentation Skills: Master Confident Presentations is a bestseller or one of the top Udemy courses one year, it doesn’t mean it will be a top Udemy course the next year
PSMCP final details
Languages: English
Skill level: All Levels
Lectures: 34 lectures lectures lessons
Duration: 2 total hours hours of video
What you get: Be a memorable and confident speaker
Target audience: Anyone with a talk coming up – whether to a small group of colleagues or a large conference
Requirements: Nothing – just a willingness to learn!
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons