95% off Music Theory Grade 5 (Coupon)

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Music Theory Grade 5 - Udemy Coupon

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Course Name: Music Theory Grade 5

Subtitle: All you need to know to fast track to success with the ABRSM theory examinations grade 5

Instructor: Taught by Founder of Music Theory Online

Category: Music

Subcategory: Music Fundamentals

Provided by: Udemy

Price: $24.99 (before discount)

Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)

Review info & popularity

As of March 15, 2019…

Students: 80 students enrolled

Ratings: 16 reviews

Rank: ranked #850 in Udemy Music Courses

Brief course description

This course of instruction covers the grade 5 ABRSM theory syllabus in full. Within the syllabus you will be shown the basic principles of music theory covering key areas which will enhance your understanding and lay the foundations for study at higher levels. The learning modules cover cadences, chords, clefs, composition, key signatures, modulation, ornaments, SATB, technical names, time signatures and transposition to name but a few. The majority of the course is delivered via video tuition. However after each module you can test yourself with the end of section quiz. Some of the modules also have links to additional information and worksheets. This course will provide you with a fast track opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge to pass the graded theory exams. This knowledge will open up many doors for aspiring musicians. If you acquire a certain amount of understanding of the ‘nuts and bolts’ of theory you will be able to learn to read music with ease. Having an understanding of theory will increase your opportunities of playing music with others. If you read music you can join local groups, bands or orchestra’s and enjoy playing with like minded musicians. If you need to gain your grade 5 ABRSM theory exam or if you just wish to brush up on your theory knowledge, this course is for you. ABRSM currently works in over 90 different countries around the world so there is probably the opportunity for you to sit an exam wherever you maybe in the world.


See you in the course!

(Read more about this course on the official course page.)

Michael Luck bio

I have been teaching music theory for over 30 years. As a peripatetic music teacher I have helped students of all ages with their theory studies. I can help students studying with any examination board but I mainly teach the ABRSM syllabus. I play saxophone and flute and gained a DipABRSM certificate in performance during 2008. Over the last eight years I have been teaching theory ‘one to one’ via the internet to students around the world. At present I teach in the UK, Ireland, Australia, USA, South Korea, India, Singapore and Sweden. I have recently started teaching the new LCM (London College of Music) popular theory syllabus. This syllabus is now often used as a prerequisite to enter performing arts universities. I am also a WJEC (Welsh Joint Education Committee) examiner marking the GCSE exam papers in Wales UK.

(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)

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Final details for this Udemy course

Languages: English

Skill level: N/A

Lectures: 33 lectures lessons

Duration: 5 hours of video

What you get: Work with, understand and use the following musical notation:

Target audience: This course is particularly suited to students embarking on ABRSM grade 5 theory exams. It will also be of benefit to those just wishing to brush up on their theory knowledge.

Requirements: This course provides information on the basic fundementals of music notation from grade 1 to a higher level of grade 5. It is recommended for those new to the subject to work through grades 1 to 4 before attempting grade 5.

Access: Lifetime access

Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee

Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android

Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons