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Course Name: English Master: Topic vocabulary + Game-based exercises
Subtitle: Pictures, crosswords, drag and drop, multiple choice – learn a 100 words in a few days with all your senses
Instructor: Taught by Vyara Georgieva, ESL Teacher; Technical Trainer
Category: Language
Subcategory: Language
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $30 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of October 20, 2017…
Students: 969 students enrolled students enrolled
Ratings: 8 reviews
Rank: ranked #79 in Udemy Language Courses
Brief course description
Do you want to expand your vocabulary? To learn more words, grouped in topics? For a short period of time? Welcome to the English Master: Topic vocabulary + Game-based exercises course – the correct place for you!The course is structured in a way that lets you memorize once and forever 100 words, specially chosen to cover the basics of the different fields. Start exploring childhood and education, go to faith and legal systems, challenge yourself with politics! The flow of the course lets you easily memorize every single word, putting it in the context of different situations. Have you ever believed that within 5 days you will be able to learn – and, more importantly – USE – 100 words? Just give it a try!Whether you memorize better while listening, while reading or writing, this course is for you! It is designed so that all your senses to be included. How the course is structured:20 words per topic, divided into 4 sets, 5 words each;Learn the word:Word – transcription – picture;Word – definition – picture (visual memory activated);Word in a sentence (context introduced)Repeated for the rest of the words from the set
Exercise the words memorized:
Multiple choice exercise (game);Drag and drop exercise – game – image (game);Crossword (game);All words from the topic you have in a separate downloadable excel file.
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
Vyara Georgieva bio
I have been teaching for seven years now, always inspired by the enthusiasm of people, acquiring new knowledge. Keep It Super Simple – the basic principle to follow, every complex theory or concept turns out clear and easily applicable. Currently, I am a technical writer and an Android developer, aimed at creating educational software products.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: All Levels
Lectures: 44 lessons
Duration: 4 hours of video
What you get: Use topic vocabulary;
Target audience: Anyone who wants to improve their English vocabulary;
Requirements: You should have general knowledge of English – this is NOT a course for complete beginners;
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons