95% off Create 40+ Tasty Raw Food Recipes with Chef LaFaye Pye (Coupon)

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Create 40+ Tasty Raw Food Recipes with Chef LaFaye Pye - Udemy Coupon

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Coupon & course info

Course Name: Create 40+ Tasty Raw Food Recipes with Chef LaFaye Pye

Subtitle: Need to eat more fruits and veggies? But think it’s going to be tasteless and boring? Here’s 40+ Recipes to tempt you.

Instructor: Taught by Creator and owner of the Raw Food Pantry

Category: Lifestyle

Subcategory: Food & Beverage

Provided by: Udemy

Price: $144.99 (before discount)

Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)

Review info & popularity

As of March 15, 2019…

Students: 306 students enrolled

Ratings: 11 reviews

Rank: ranked #876 in Udemy Lifestyle Courses

Brief course description

Creating simple, delicious and nutritious raw food dishes has never been easier.

If you already know the power of eating whole raw organic foods, but need some guidance in learning how to prepare these healthy dishes. Then this is the course for you!

In this course your going to learn how to create 40 gourmet raw food recipes.

(Read more about this course on the official course page.)

LaFaye Pye bio

Before we had children I worked as a cook. I loved being in the restaurant business and have always enjoyed creating and eating many different types of food.

(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)

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Final details for this Udemy course

Languages: English

Skill level: N/A

Lectures: 43 lectures lessons

Duration: 3.5 hours of video

What you get: “Create 40 delicious gourmet raw food recipes”

Target audience: People who want the benefits: of energy, vitality and even weight-loss. By adding more raw fruits and vegetables into their daily diet.

Requirements: None! You can be an absolute beginner or fully raw and just looking for new recipe ideas.

Access: Lifetime access

Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee

Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android

Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons