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Course Name: Automation Testing with QTP
Subtitle: Become an expert automation tester through this award winning HP Quick Test Professional (QTP) course.
Instructor: Taught by QTP Tutorial, Software Development Engineer in Test
Category: IT & Software
Subcategory: IT Certification
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $20 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of January 2, 2017…
Students: 8438 students enrolled
Ratings: 116 reviews
Rank: ranked #216f in Udemy IT & Software Courses
Brief course description
In Software testing, knowing automation with any of the market’s current tools will get you the highest paying jobs! QTP and UFT are the industry’s leading tools in automation and it’s important to master these tools to be at the top of your field. The most important aspect of automation is learning to create an automated framework properly and efficiently. We teach you how to do just that in this easy and quick course through 7 short videos.
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
QTP Tutorial bio
When trying to break into the IT industry, I started from nothing. I had no background in IT and no Bachelor of Computer Science degree. I learned everything on my own through research and practice utilizing the information that I found online. It was by no means an easy process. A lot of the courses and tutorials on QTP/UFT online were either outdated or didn’t offer a clear and concise explanation of the concepts they were teaching. When I started my first job as an Automation Engineer with QTP, I was surprised at how different the real world practices were. Thousands of hours later, I decided to start a company teaching Automation Testing the proper way, the real way, the efficient way. I wanted to take all of my knowledge, all of my faults and mistakes, and all of my on the job experience and create courses. Courses that would actually teach people the correct way to do automated software testing. I wanted to make sure that my students were not wasting any time on useless or outdated techniques(like Keyword Driven Frameworks). I only teach what works in the industry today and what will work years from now. I want to cut the learning curve for my students and only teach them the information they will actually use.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: Expert Level
Lectures: 15 lessons
Duration: 1.5 hours of video
What you get: Create an automated framework quickly and easily for all of your automation needs
Target audience: This course is for individuals who already have some knowledge and technical skills using QTP or UFT
Requirements: Students need the free 30 days trial of UFT to be able to follow along with this course
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons