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Course Name: Audio Editing Techniques for Instructors and Professionals
Subtitle: Audio Editing techniques for Udemy Instructors, Podcasters, Vocal Artists, Youtubers, Interviewers, Commentators
Instructor: Taught by Syed Hassan Bukhari, Internet Marketer and SEO
Category: Business
Subcategory: Media
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $29 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of March 9, 2016…
Students: 121200 students enrolled
Ratings: 13 reviews
Rank: ranked #511 in Udemy Business Courses
Brief course description
Audio Editing is defined as the techniques and measures used to edit an audio, it is as simple as that. The things we do to make our audio sound the way we want it is called audio editing. In this course, you’re going to learn the basics of audio editing so you would be able to do the following things:
Let me give you a fair offer. Enroll in the course and go through it and if you don’t find what you were looking for then feel free to take 100% of your money back within 30 days. The course is for absolute beginners to intermediate level. If you’re a udemy instructor or any person who is struggling to make his/her recording sound awesome to increase the attraction of an audience and engagement of users, students and audience.
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
Syed Hassan Bukhari bio
I love to blog and technology is my passion. My life is all about Running, Reading & Writing. After blogging for almost five year I intend to share my experience to help you build and engage your audience with less effort. I love to write about SEO, Internet Marketing and other related things. I was born with love for technology and computers. I spend most of my time on my computer and it is my best friend. I’ve learned many things in my journey of Internet, I’m currently working as an Internet Marketer, SEO and Web Developer. I’ve worked for some small companies as a Search Engine Optimization adviser and Web Developer, I’ve learned many new things while doing all that and gained a lot of experience. I came to know about Udemy in the mid 2014 and from then I’m trying my best teaching people to get their business to the next level by increasing website traffic and doing better Search Engine Optimization of their websites. I believe I’ve enough knowledge to teach you the right thing. I always keep doing different courses from senior experts to increase my knowledge and I keep updating my courses with new content that I learn to help people learn advanced and new things.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: Beginner Level
Lectures: 25 lessons
Duration: 1 Hour of video
What you get: Make their lectures sound amazing
Target audience: Instructors should take this course to improve their course audio quality
Requirements: A little bit understanding of audio and audio editing
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons