95% off Advanced Android – Architecture with Dagger 2 and more (Coupon)

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Advanced Android - Architecture with Dagger 2 and more - Udemy Coupon

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Coupon & course info

Course Name: Advanced Android – Architecture with Dagger 2 and more

Subtitle: Learn to build production-grade Android apps, not just make them “work”

Instructor: Taught by Software Engineer focusing on Android

Category: Development

Subcategory: Mobile Apps

Provided by: Udemy

Price: $99.99 (before discount)

Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)

Review info & popularity

As of March 15, 2019…

Students: 2237 students enrolled

Ratings: 378 reviews

Rank: ranked #849 in Udemy Development Courses

Brief course description

Hello everyone and thank you for your interest in Advanced Android!

Android development has a lot of great benefits, such as low barrier to entry, low cost to be a published developer, and of course, being able to run your creations on millions of devices.

Developing a maintainable and testable application that is easy to add new features to can be difficult. It requires thinking ahead about the architecture of your application and getting beyond the “just make it work” stage. This is something I personally find the most fun about development, however. My goal is to help you get into the same mindset and teach you about architecture patterns that will accomplish the previously mentioned items.

(Read more about this course on the official course page.)

Brandon Gogetap bio

Hey there!

(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)

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Final details for this Udemy course

Languages: English

Skill level: N/A

Lectures: 90 lectures lessons

Duration: 8 hours of video

What you get: Build an Android app with an easy to maintain and testable architecture. (Hint: Not everything belongs in Activities/Fragments!)

Target audience: Anyone who wants to learn how to create apps with an easy to maintain, testable architecture.

Requirements: Intermediate Android development experience

Access: Lifetime access

Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee

Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android

Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons