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Course Name: The WpFASTER WordPress Speed Optimization Master Course
Subtitle: Our A – Z Performance Blueprint to Make Your WordPress Site Not Just Fast, But One of the Fastest Sites On Earth!
Instructor: Taught by AJ McKay, Managing Partner of WpFASTER
Category: Development
Subcategory: Web Development
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $297 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of March 4, 2016…
Students: 1436 students enrolled
Ratings: 33 reviews
Rank: ranked #663 in Udemy Development Courses
Brief course description
“This course is very well done, and provides results. Within 2 days of finishing the videos, I was able to take a customers website from the 65th percentile in speed to the top 10th” (Franco Valentino).
“The Best course that I’ve ever seen” (Thanaponth).
“2 Thumbs, Up A++, Home Run. I am glad that not a lot of other Udemy Instructors I’ve encountered have a similar teaching style because I’d never get any actual work done. I’d be on Udemy all the time learning and not doing! Great stuff!” (Steve Dougherty).
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
AJ McKay bio
AJ McKay is an Internet Entrepreneur, CEO of The Philosopher: Online Publishing & Investments; and, Managing Partner of WpFASTER: an Internet-based consortium of WordPress professionals from all over the world, most of whom, including AJ, have been using WordPress since its inception.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: All Levels
Lectures: 55 lessons
Duration: 7 Hours of video
What you get: 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee.
Target audience: This course is designed for anyone that uses and therefore has an at least basic understanding of WordPress. Put very simply, if you are (for example) comfortable with adding posts and pages, navigating within your hosting account, and me saying things like “functions.php,” “HTTPS,” “CSS file,” and the like doesn’t make you say “wat…?”, then you’ll do wonderfully. That said, even advanced WordPress users, designers and coders will benefit greatly from the course as they absorb, and subsequently learn how to apply, WpFaster’s highly refined Web Performance Optimization (WPO), Front End Optimization (FEO) and User Experience Optimization (UX) architecture.
Requirements: Aside from a self-hosted WordPress site, a basic knowledge of WordPress, the ability to think critically and an awareness of the fact that the fastest possible version of your WordPress site is no longer optional for its success, you need not know or do anything special prior to taking this course.
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons