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Course Name: Roulette Flaw-Make Money every day playing Roulette Anywhere
Subtitle: Learn how to reach financial stability and make a fixed income playing Roulette pay your bills,mortgage & help family
Instructor: Taught by James McArthur, Roulette Instructor,Business Strategist,Developer,Invester
Category: Lifestyle
Subcategory: Gaming
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $9 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of March 28, 2016…
Students: 2,424077 students enrolled
Ratings: 35 reviews
Rank: ranked #24 in Udemy Lifestyle Courses
Brief course description
James is the author of the book series Fly Me To the Moon Visual Roulette Prediction Series (MiNi,MeGa & GeGa),Also the Developer and owner of The Roulette GeGa mobile application which the world’s first and only unique app that explains the Visual Roulette Prediction proven and tested winning Roulette Strategy. Based on 30 years Casino experience working as a roulette Dealer i will provide you with an insider knowledge on how the game of Roulette works and how it is Designed.I will reveal the only Design flaw that was made on the American wheel layout that made the American wheel harder to beat for all bets yet easier to beat for only one type of bets that is rarely used and hard to notice.
Taking this course will help you reach financial stability and have a fixed income without worrying anymore about paying your bills,you mortgage,your loans or even helping friends and family members.I travel to Las Vegas each weekend and average $ per weekend playing Roulette,It helped me start my real estate investment business as well as other technology investments.
I personally promise you this with an additional 30 days money back guarantee not from me but from Udemy too,Once you purchase the course ,you become a family and i treat every student like a family,you are my responsibility and i will not rest assured before you reach your financial goals,I can proudly brag and say that i am the only person in the whole world that could beat Roulette and made consistent money off of playing Roulette
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
James McArthur bio
30 Years experienced Roulette Dealer and Instructor
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: Beginner Level
Lectures: 8 lessons
Duration: 35 Mins of video
What you get: Win At Roulette consistently.
Target audience: Anyone who is struggling to reach financial stability.
Requirements: Nothing is needed. We will provide everything.
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons