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Course Name: Overview of Aromatherapy
Subtitle: Basic knowledge about a trustworthy health, beauty and wellness system based on plant based essential oils.
Instructor: Taught by Sunil Ji Garg, An Educator, Naturopath, Engineer and Soft-Skills Trainer
Category: Health & Fitness
Subcategory: General Health
Provided by: Udemy
Price: $20 (before discount)
Free coupon code: See above (no charge for coupon)
Review info & popularity
As of July 14, 2016…
Students: 1733 students enrolled
Ratings: 15 reviews
Rank: ranked #124a in Udemy Health & Fitness Courses
Brief course description
Here is a course on Aromatherapy, which gives you good knowledge about a trustworthy health, beauty and wellness system based on plant based essential oils It is already popular in many countries like India, USA, France, UK, Australia etc. This system has already proven its worth as a first line home remedy system or as a good support system for people who are taking other mainstream healthcare.The course will start with basics and then it will give you sufficient starter knowledge about key components used in aromatherapy which are essential oils and carrier oils. In the end the course will also give you some effective remedies for home usage.
(Read more about this course on the official course page.)
Sunil Ji Garg bio
Became a naturopath and aromatherapist 20 years back when life of a loved one needed special care due to limitations of modern medicines. Although an Electronics engineer and Management graduate, has now devoted my life to educating others by creating a formal public organisation called Sunmitra and is now working as its Managing director. Actively using all forms of media to educate and share what I know and is also in the process of life long learning. A strong supporter of collaborative education movement worldwide.
(Learn more about this instructor on the official course page.)
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Final details for this Udemy course
Languages: English
Skill level: Beginner Level
Lectures: 11 lessons
Duration: 1 hour of video
What you get: Get sufficient insight into an upcoming healthcare and beauty care system called Aromatherapy
Target audience: A beginner who is fascinated with the term aromatherapy, should get in here before spending money on detailed courses on this subject.
Requirements: Just a computer or mobile access to Internet and some curiosity about this topic is a sufficient requirement to begin this course.
Access: Lifetime access
Peace of mind: 30 day money back guarantee
Availability: available online, as well as on iOS and Android
Download options: check course to see if you can download lessons